Is it Safe to Get Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Enhancement During the Pandemic?
Questions like this are understandably on many people’s minds as we navigate through numerous changes to our lives caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Intriguingly, Google trends and reports from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons have indicated that interest in plastic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic enhancement procedures has not dissipated in the months since the pandemic began. While practices such as ours, Radiance Spa Medical Group and Teleos Plastic Surgery, have been fully reopen for quite a while, it is important to note that Dr. Max Lehfeldt has implemented a variety of strict safety and health precautions in order to minimize the potential risk of exposure to the coronavirus and provide exceptional care in the safest way possible. In addition to our AAAASF-accredited surgical facility, which already adheres to extremely high medical standards of disinfection and sterilization, our offices include new scheduling and check-in protocols, personal protective equipment and social distancing requirements, HEPA filtration systems, and many other modifications to enhance safety and health precautions for both patients and staff.
For more comprehensive details on steps Dr. Max Lehfeldt and our team are taking to mitigate health risks and provide greater confidence when making in-person visits, please feel free to read the full article on our Teleos Plastic Surgery website. Whether you are considering one of the many advanced medical spa treatments available here at Radiance Spa Medical Group or a surgical procedure, we hope you will feel assured that we are taking maximum precautions to meet your needs and goals in a safe environment.
We are happy to talk with you about our COVID-19 precautions and answer any questions you may have. Please contact Radiance Spa Medical Group today for more information, or to schedule a consultation.