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Smartlipo Triplex™ Laser Body Sculpting

Radiance’s board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Max Lehfeldt, is proud to offer the latest in body sculpting – Smartlipo Triplex™. This is an IN-OFFICE procedure that is performed with a local anesthetic and has a faster recovery and less downtime than traditional liposuction.

Utilizing the most advanced laser-assisted technology by Cynosure, Dr. Lehfeldt is able to perform liposuction that has the added benefit of skin tightening and less bruising. With traditional liposuction, you will need to go to the operating room and have general anesthesia. With Smartlipo, there are no added costs of the operating room and no additional risks associated with general anesthesia!

In addition, the three laser wavelengths utilized with Smartlipo allow for more effective fat removal, less bruising, and faster healing! The lasers utilized with this treatment can not only tighten the skin (not seen with regular liposuction), but can also increase collagen growth (also not seen with regular liposuction) and result in “younger” looking skin!

Smartlipo can be an ideal treatment for the arms, legs, and abdomen. It can also be perfect for face and neck (Precision TX™) slimming and tightening! Additionally, Smartlipo can be an ideal treatment for excessive sweating from the armpits (also known as hyperhidrosis).

Contact Radiance Spa Medical Group

To schedule your consultation, please contact Radiance Spa Medical Group online or call Dr. Lehfeldt’s office at 888.963.7629 (888.96.DR.MAX).